Project Showcase

Deaths of Medical Device Users During Power Outages Inspires Latest Initiative to Boost Power Outage Support for Vulnerable Texans

In 2023, staff from the Texas Governor’s Committee on People with Disabilities (GCPD) heard a presentation about the inaugural Power Outage Partners pilot project in Louisiana. With the deadly lessons of Winter Storm Uri still fresh on their mind, including the death of a man whose oxygen concentrator stopped working after the power cut out, GCPD personnel reached out to the Louisiana project director, Eric Cote, to initiate discussions about a potential initiative in Texas.   

Further discussions took place in 2024, including a conversation following Hurricane Beryl about another death of an oxygen dependent Texan; this time a 71-year-old resident of Crystal Beach, TX who died in her home when the loss of power shut down her oxygen concentrator. 

In mid-January 2025, Cote gave a presentation on Power Outage Partners to the GCPD’s Durable Medical Equipment Back-up Power Task Force and the following week, Cote traveled to Houston to present to the GCPD’s quarterly board meeting on January 23, 2025. The board was receptive to the program and since then, Cote and GCPD’s executive director have been working with disability advocacy groups to develop plans for Texas initiative. The project will start with a Phase I planning process that will culminate with a detailed Power Outage Partners action plan. 

Individuals interested in learning more about the Power Outage Partners initiative in Texas can contact GCPD Executive Director Ron Lucey or Power Outage Partners project director Eric Cote.  Lucey can be reached at or by calling 737-701-6976. Eric Cote can be reached at or by calling 512-626-4207.