We partner with many of the leading disability advocacy organizations and other important stakeholders to make a difference for life support patients.

Partner with Us
The successful creation of Power Outage Partners was due in large part to the support provided by a number of government agencies, disability and patient advocacy organizations, and durable medical equipment suppliers.
Power Outage Partners gratefully acknowledges these partners, including those working to expand Power Outage Partners in Texas and beyond. If you or your organization would like to support the latest Power Outage Partners initiative in Texas, sign up to become a Power Outage Partner today!
DME Partner Spotlight
As Eric Cote began his work with the Louisiana Department of Health to accelerate planning for the inaugural Power Outage Partners initiative, several durable medical equipment (DME) suppliers in Louisiana went above and beyond to support the project. De-identified information provided by these DME suppliers, when combined with state Medicaid data, helped LDH officials more accurately estimate the number of invasively ventilated Louisianans and the type of ventilators they were using.
This data gave project leaders valuable insight into the appropriate battery solutions for individuals and also enabled early cost projections for equipping invasively ventilated Louisianans with additional battery capacity. Power Outage Partners gratefully acknowledges these DME suppliers for their support and devotion to their patients.