Power Outage Planning
Individuals who depend on life support devices and other electric-powered medical equipment, and their caregivers, must take extra precautions to be prepared for a power outage. The first step is to develop a power outage plan.
Different medical devices will require different types of backup power and backup devices. The following resource was developed for ventilator users. Individuals relying on oxygen concentrators, especially those requiring high amounts of oxygen, should review this information from VeryWellHealth.com, an award-winning resource for fact-based information on health choices. This excellent resource from the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) National Network provides helpful power outage planning tips for electric-powered medical device users.
Jurisdictions seeking to boost power outage support for life support and DME users will find ASTHO’s toolkit to be a helpful resource along with this information from HHS.

Consult an Expert
Jurisdictions interested in talking with Eric Cote to help inform their own planning, or to discuss how he can support initiatives of varying size and scope, can schedule a no-cost, 30-minute consultation by email or by using the following form.